Sunday, November 27, 2011

Junior B Game

We are spending a week in Niagara.  This means lots of visiting.  We arrived here on Thursday afternoon.  I unloaded the car and unpacked before we set out on our first surprise visit.  I knew my dad would be picking up Big Nonna before my brother's hockey game.  We managed to get up to the front door before anyone realized a car had pulled up in the driveway.  An amazing accomplishment if I do say so.  My Nonna always looks out the window when a car pulls in her drive way

My little brother Gabe has made the Thorold Black Hawk Junior B Team.  It was Marlo's first hockey game.  I bundled her all up so she wouldn't get cold.  By the end of the game she was so warm that I had to strip her down.  She did very well and didn't even flinch when a goal was scored.

Thursday was the first night of three staying out until almost midnight.  Friday and Saturday We set out to visit some of my cousins.  My goal is to get a visit in with all of my cousins that live in town before we go.  We are on track, just need to get a hold of one more.  Otis had a great time playing with little boys his age and he has done so well.  Two of my cousins one on each side of the family have a little guy close to Otis' age.  Each of them spend most of their time playing with girls and were really excited to play with a little boy.  Even after 6 hours of constant play there were no fights.  I get so involved in visiting I have forgotten to take many pictures.  Oh well visiting is more important then the pictures.

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