Sunday, September 11, 2011

Otis' First Day of School - Senior Kindergarten

We are trying to keep life as normal as we can for this little boy during a crazy time.  Dave got everything Otis needed for school this year.  They went shopping for his indoor shoes and came home with Spiderman shoes.  He told everyone he came in contact with that he got Spiderman shoes for school.

Otis will be going to school full days every other day and every other Friday.  Last year he went half days every day.  His best friend from school is in his class.  He will be in the same class room as last year but with a new teacher.

Dave and I both took him to his first day.  Dave should have been at work today but has not been back yet since Marlo was born.  As soon as we got to school his friend was their ready to play.  They took off to the playground and get some playing in.  When the bell rang he was so quick to come up and get in line to go in.  There were only 4 kids in his class line.  It was then that we found out that only the senior kindergarten kids were there.  They would not have a full class until Monday.  It is part of the gradual entry program which helps the junior kindergarten children adjust to starting school.

Dave picked Otis up after school.  They played at the playground for a bit before they came home. The first thing Otis said to Dave was that school was so long.  We tried to prepare him for the idea of all day school but he obviously did not understand what that meant.

School is very different these days.  His school does not have a lunch hour they have two nutrition breaks.  We have to pack two half size lunches and lable them so that he won't eat everything at once.  The theory is the children stay more energized as the nutrition is spread through out the day.  I find it strange not to have a lunch hour but I do get the thought behind it.  He will not be able to come home for lunch.

Otis said he had a lot of fun at school.  He ate almost everything in him lunches that Dave had packed and made his very own necklace during craft time.  Starting school on a Friday is somewhat anticlimactic, now we wait until Monday for the next day of school.  He plans to ride his bike with Daddy.  It will still be awhile before I can walk him to school.

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