Monday, August 08, 2011

Bird Kingdom

Otis, my mom and I went to the Bird Kingdom in Niagara Falls.  We went during the hottest week of July.  you can only imagine how much hotter it was in the bird aviary.

The Bird Kingdom is in the old Niagara Falls Museum.  There were still bits of the old museum through out.   Going over the falls in a barrel is part of Niagara's history and tourism.  There used to be a booth at Maple Leaf Village where you could take pictures as if you were going over the falls.  The same barrel is now in the museum and you can take your own free pictures.  I Love the look on Otis' face.  

Otis became obsessed with following the feet through the aviary that we then had to go through again so he could see the things he had missed the first time through.  

We found this green bird down a hallway where the bathroom is.  just hanging out by itself.  So Strange.

We fed Lorikeets in the feeding area.  At one point I had 6 birds hanging out on me.  there was on hanging from the ceiling that pooped on my foot.  I was orange and slimy between my toes.

We drove down Clifton Hill on the way to the Bird Kingdom.  It was the first time Otis  had been down the hill.  On the way down he was in such aww asking if we could go there.  He the says "It is like an amusement park"  I promised him that we would go one day once the baby was out and have fun at all the different places we could go.  I don't think I could have ever made it down the hill.   Forget about getting back up to to the car.

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