Friday, May 13, 2011

Ultrasound Pictures

I have been trying to post this for the last few days or so but there have been some issues with blogger.  I would like all of you to meet Little Miss M.  At least we are 90% sure she is a girl.  I hope we get a chance to have another ultrasound to double check.  I have been feeling her move for the last three weeks or so.  It was one of the longest ultrasounds ever.  I had to get up and walk around twice to try and get her to move into a better position.  The technician said everything looked good. 

 Telling Otis was pretty funny.  We had just got home.  I called him over and told him the Doctor told us that she didn't see any boy parts on the baby.  He looked at me for a second and then started jumping up and down.  He was so excited singing "I was right, I am going to have a sister."

 I have my first appointment next week with my OB.  It is so different having an OB compared to a midwife.  All that really matters is that this baby gets here safe and health.  We have 16 weeks or less left to go. 

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