Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November 30th

What does November 30th mean to you?

In our house it means dig out the Christmas decorations, if we haven't done so already.  Which we haven't  the Halloween lights are still up and the Thanks giving banner has just come down to make room.   The reason for this is we need to find the Advent Calendar.

I made them for our first Christmas in this house.  For the first two years we filled the pouches with Hot Wheels.  This year we have been a bit stumped.  We only have 6 filled.  We need to think fast to fill the rest.

How is your Holiday shopping going?  Local or handmade is my approach this year.

This afternoon we were at Lens Mills  getting some supplies.  Otis spotted a gingerbread kit and instantly paused in silence.  He then asked if that was the one we got last time.  He had to make sure we were making a gingerbread house again this year.  That made me very happy.  Yeah, our traditions are forming.   He is now old enough to remember things from year to year.  This year we are going to write the first letter to Santa.  Maybe we can do that tomorrow.

Slow and steady easing into Christmas this year.


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