Wednesday, June 03, 2009

38 Months

Dear Otis,

One of the most exciting things for you is your new slide. It took us a while to determine what type of play structure you were going to get you. I really wanted to build a structure from scratch but realized we just didn't have the time to do so. In the end you were lucky enough to get one with two swings, a slide, a play house and a thing. Both Papa and Nonna donated to the cause. Which allowed us to get one that gave us a lot more for our money.

It took Daddy and Papa 14 hours to put the thing together. There were two cookie sheets of screws, nut and bolts. The play set is strategically placed in the back yard so you can't see the whole thing when looking out of any window at the back of the house. I find the things a bit painful to look at. We also needed to keep enough room at the back of the yard for the Boccie Court. You are really good at giving people tours of the back yard and where everything will be.

Daddy surprised me with a day trip to Elora the first weekend of May. I had never been there and really wanted to go someday. It was really nice we went into many shops. Daddy took you to the toy store where you picked out a wood tractor. We saw the Waterfalls and had a nice lunch. We also saw many signs for the annual book sale at the curling club. Elora isn't very big so we found it rather quickly. We left with a large box of books.

Tony had a birthday party for Andrea B. We decided it would be a good time to bring your new wheels out for a walk. The walk was about twenty minutes long and through the park. I love having a new stroller so big that you, our stuff and a birthday present fit.

We went to Owen's baptism on Mother's Day. You did really well in church. We also went to Vesuvio's for Lunch. On the way to the restaurant Mommy and Daddy discovered our favourite breakfast place (Purple Onion) had moved a couple doors down from Vesuvio's. It made it very Hard to have pizza when all we wanted was steak and eggs.

May 24 was a week early this year. The house was full of people all weekend. Friday night we went over to Auntie Sean and Auntie Andy's. There was a party held in the honor of Auntie Sean's Unemployment. Jeremy you call him Journey and Phil became your new best friends that night. Saturday Auntie Jazz's Brother Calid was in town for one day/night. We went for lunch at Ethel's and hung out all day. That night Daddy went to the Jane bond with the gang. You, Curtis and I got to have a sleepover. Sunday was BBQ day. You can't have a long weekend and no BBQ. The crew came over, we played way passed your bed time. That night I got to fulfill my wish of getting fireworks. It was really fun to light things on fire.
On the Monday we had planned to go to Nonno's for a BBQ. As we were getting ready we determined that we would get stuck in traffic most of the day. No one in their right mind would decide to travel out of town at the end of the long weekend if they didn't have to. We spent the day together out and about. We managed to get a great deal of the front garden done. Our drive way has had a skid with stones, garden ties, mulch soil, etc. on it for most of the month. It felt great to get a chunk done.
The weather was always cold and rainy any time we had a chance to work on the yard. It's like the Spring rain has made you grow too. I swear you have grown three inches in the past month. You have really been into the tracing book you were given for your birthday. We have been able to play with the neighbourhood kids quite a bit. They are out all of the time. we also have them over to our yard now which is great. I can get things done and you are loving the attention.
I have determined you are a bit of an exhibitionist. if you had a choice you wouldn't wear cloths at all. You still don't use the potty all the time but the Peeing is going well. You say some of the funniest things. Last week you went to the mall with Daddy and decided that you had to go to Winners to buy some Underwear.
We are planting a garden this year. I hope to teach you about things growing. We will see how this goes in the coming months.
I love you will all my heart,

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