Wednesday, November 02, 2011


Otis Joined Beaver's last month.  They meet every Monday, so I thought. I had no idea when we signed him up how involved it is.  There have been a few other events held on other days too.  Unfortunately due to the timing we have not been able to participate in any of the additional activities.  He is really enjoying Beavers.  There are several boys who all know each other in his group which makes it exciting.  A few weeks back we went to a ceremony for the new beavers to the organization.  They held the ceremony outside.  Unfortunately it was pitch black and we could not really see a thing.  

Here is a Tid Bit From Wikipedia about it the Ceremony.
A new Beaver is called a "Kit"; a Kit must learn the Beaver Promise, Law, and Motto and go through an investiture ceremony to become an "Eager Beaver". The investiture ceremony officially welcomes the Beaver into the Scouting programme and during this ceremony the Beaver receives a tail, neckerchief, and badges for his uniform.

A five-year-old Beaver is a brown tail, a six-year-old is a blue tail and a seven-year-old is a white tail. The tail is attached to the back brim of the Beaver Hat.

 The boys all had fun they made lanterns to put around the fire.  After the ceremony we sat around the camp fire had hot chocolate and sang a few campfire songs.  It was really nice to get out side and be by the fire even if it was for a short time.  It was Marlo's first campfire.  She slept through the whole thing. To bad we didn't have marshmallows.

This past week Otis got to bring Chucky the beaver home.  I guess he is a mascot for their group.  I am not sure if each group has one or not. Chucky is well traveled.  he has come with us out and about and even sleeps with Otis.

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