Thursday, October 27, 2011

Few Minutes - I actually have some

I have had requests for more pictures, so here I go.  I have Marlo sleeping on my chest and I have my hands free to type.

These are pictures from over the last couple of weeks that have been collecting on the camera and phone.  I had a few minutes today to sort through them.  We have been doing really well here.  Breast feeding had been put on hold a few weeks back as she started to lose weight.  We are now working really hard to get her there again.  She is really growing now.  I had to move the straps up on the car seat to the next level.  She also started to out grow some of here teeny tiny sleepers.  Yay!!!

We get stopped everywhere we go.  When I tell people how old she is (because they always ask)  I then get the comment was she preemie.  I stumbled at first to answer as they look at me strange when I just answer no.  I now follow the no with she had tummy issues.  I forgot that having a baby meant everyone now stops and asks you questions.

Marlo turned two months old a couple of days ago.  We have had her home for four weeks now.  She is a pretty funny little girl.  She freaks out when she does not get food the second she wants it.  I assume a residual effect from not having food for two weeks.  She is also a mommy's girl and loves to be held.  So different from Otis.

At her last weigh in she weighed 7 lb 12 oz.  I was also given the go ahead to eat say again.  We promised Otis that as soon as I can eat say we will go to sushi.  We left the Dr's office and picked him up from school for a surprise lunch.  You would have thought it was Christmas based on his reaction and excitement.  

Her neck is getting much stronger and we don't feel like she is going to break as easily as she did before.   She is plumping up so well her innie belly button is now an outtie.  I had no idea that could happen.  

I love the picture below of everyone sleeping but me.  I have been getting a good amount of sleep.  I don't feel deprived of sleep.  Dave and Otis let me sleep in if it has been a really bad night.  for the most part Marlo wakes up once a night.  I am usually up  an hour feeding and pumping.  A few nights we have been really lucky she has so much to eat right before Dave and I go to bed that she sleeps until 6 or 7pm.

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