Sunday, September 18, 2011

On the lighter side of Life

A few nights ago Miranda and I were in the basement, while I tried to print some stuff to get ready for Bailey's pick up day.

Every so often I would here this noise by the  window.  I thought it was the printer.  Eventually Miranda heard it too and asked what it was.  I said the printer, she didn't agree.  Later on I heard the exact noise again and was sure it was not the printer.

 I hate little creatures and could/would not get off the couch.  I freaked out and called Dave on his cell phone.  I had know idea he had been sleeping upstairs for over an hour.  He came down very grumpy and could not find anything.  I got off the couch and almost ran up the stairs.  I would have run if i could.

Miranda actually slept down there.  She heard the noise a few more times through out the night.  It was always in the same spot.  I decided Miranda/we should check the window well before we left for the day.  There was a little bunny trapped down there.  We got a basket and a bag and off she went to save the bunny.  There was no way I could climb in there.  Miranda eventually managed to scoop him up and slide him up the wall to get him out.

During all the excitement Miranda and I both forgot she is allergic to Rabbits.  While we were in the car she started to have a reaction.  Her throat narrowed and she was sneezing.  Luckily after a little while it all cleared it self and she was fine.

YAY!!!!  We don't have a mouse in the house.  AND We saved a bunny YAY!!!!!

On a side note:  I didn't realize Otis was using the window well as a toy box.

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