Friday, November 12, 2010

1st School Picture Day

Otis had his first picture day at school last week.  I love the button up shirt with cardigan.  Oh and that smile almost kills me.  I am so happy we managed to get his hair to stay down.

There is something to be said about a dozen Otises or Oti looking back at you.  In order to get enough pictures for all the grandparents we have ended up with a plethora of photos to share.  

Otis is a big fan of school.  He really likes going and he has a lot of fun while he is there.  I was lucky enough to volunteer once a week for the first couple of months.  I loved being able to watch him in the classroom.  He adjusted much better then I had expected he would.  With all the rules and stuff.  I found it strange dropping him off outside and not having a clue what went on.  I hope I am able to do so again at a later time.

Here is the latest drawing her has brought home.  When he started school in September he barely held his pencil correctly.  No matter how many times we showed him he had no interest in conforming.  Now he can draw stick people. The OMF Otis wrote stands for no play fighting in class with his friends.

1 comment:

L said...

Such a cute photo! Good to hear he's doing well at school!