Sunday, May 30, 2010

Shade's Mills

When we woke up on Victoria Day I decided we should go to a small town.  There are many small towns around here and I haven't been to many of them.  I then realized it was to damn hot to walk around a small town.  We would all just end up sweaty and grumpy.

Water, we needed to find water.  With a little help from Google we found Shade's Mills in Cambridge.  I packed up a picnic and off we went.

Otis only knew we were going for a picnic.  When we got there he was sad that we forgot his bathing suit.  Once he found out that we had brought it, he could not get changed fast enough.  There were lots of kids there for him to play with.

He did really well swimming.  He went in all the way to his neck.  I think he would have kept on going if I didn't stop him from going further.  The fear of water in is face wasn't an issue.  He is going to love swimming in everyone's pool this year.

The conservation area was supposed to have a playground.  Once we had enough sun we changed Otis and set out to find the playground.  It was no where to be found.

We are thinking of getting a Grand River Conservation Area car pass for the season.  This would be a good way to pass some of the lazy days of summer.

I like this picture of Dave and Otis.

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