Monday, March 30, 2009

So This Is Cool

Update: Turns out my name isn't the cool name in our house. He was looking for Otis. Otis wins the prize. I guess we do to for giving our kid a memorable name.

I am not completely sure where I read about this project. I think through the process of elimination it was the torontoist. My way of keeping in touch with the old stomping ground.

There was a post about the project asking for people to contact him with their story about their names. I decided to submit Otis and my name. This was a few months back. I had completely forgotten about it. Last night Finn contacted me

inviting me to take part in the project iloveyourfuckingname. The Description of the project read as follows.

"a portrait series of people with tragically awesome names (Michael Jackson, Harry Assinpoon, Bud Light, etc.), or eternally magnificent names (Adam Baum, Darren Deeds, Minny van Gogh, etc.). As someone who has always had to explain my name to people, I share in your annoyance, and I'd like to pay homage to your uniqueness via a photographic portrait."

Finn O'Hara is a Toronto based Photographer with a list of Clients that would make any one in the industry jealous.

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